
I’m a retired machine designer turned Board Game Designer. Welcome to my world of wonkey ideas and mostly dysfunctional board games. I am eager to hear from you, just click below to get ahold of me.

My Current Games

I am usually working on a few projects. Here is a link to my latest games.

My Board Game Ramblings

Sometimes I just can’t help myself. I go off on some rant, pretending to be an expert. Occasionally I might make some sense. You will have to judge for yourself. Here is a link to my miscellaneous rants and wonkey ideas.

My Design Library

Below is a link to my current Design Library. There are many great books which contribute my board game designs. I try to take a behavioral approach and start with a specific experience I want for the players. I, then, fold in a few mechanics which reinforce player behavior towards this desired experience. Finally, I tie it all together with a juicy story which encompasses everything in one neat package. Sometimes this actually works!

House Rules

Sometimes you just want to change things up. Sometimes you have to, in order to make the game fun. Check out some of my House rules and feel free to add some of your own.

Here are a few of my latest Blog Posts