
Yellow-black spider in her spiderweb

I’ve always found spiders fascinating. They live in a harsh world of feast and famine. They are creatures with a blend of simple insect behavior mixed with some truly amazing skills. Back in in March 2021, I started wondering how I can bring this intriguing spider world into a a board game.

There are a few key elements which I want to bring into this game. The first is the harsh energy economy which can swing between feast and famine. The second is the ever expanding web which is the spiders world. This is the engine which sustains the spider or spider family. The third and final element will be the fierce competition for food and space with other spiders and insects.

You can check out the game in Tabletop Simulator Here:

I will document this game as it develops through periodic blog posts. You can read them all here:

You are welcome to leave comments here or on the specific posts. I’ll see you on the WEB.

1 Comment

  1. Looks great

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